SEA Alternator Pulley Select

SEA Pully Select

Alternator Pully

27415-0L020 27415-0L030 27415-0L050

Alternator Pulley

Alternator pulley turns a vehicle's alternator with a belt which is in turn driven by the engine's accessory drive system.

Our alternator pulleys are of high quality and precision, guaranteeing flawless performance for its application.

Main advantage of SEA OAP and OAD

- Smooth running and reduce wear of the entire drive system

- Reduce fuel consumption

- Durable yet maintenance free

- Manufactured to exactly fit its application

2 types of modern alternator pulleys by SEA

Almost all modern cars/trucks are equipped with either an Overrunning alternator pulley (OAP) or an Overrunning alternator decoupler (OAD) which both provides a damping function manifested from the crankshaft and also enable the engine revolution to reduce quickly when there is a sudden load change.

Overrunning Alternator Pulleys


With a one-way clutch (turning in only 1 direction) and locks up with any attempt to turn in another direction

Overrunning Alternator Decoupler


Operates like an OAP except it have a clutch and spring that also absorbs vibration from the drive belt system

Components of an Overrunning Alternator Pulley

Almost all modern cars/trucks are equipped with either an Overrunning alternator pulley (OAP) or an Overrunning alternator decoupler (OAD) which both provides a damping function manifested from the crankshaft and also enable the engine revolution to reduce quickly when there is a sudden load change.

Components of an Overrunning alternator Pulley (OAP):

  1. Pulley - Outer layer of the OAP
  2. Pinch rollers (Coupling function) - As the core
  3. Needle bearing - Running along both sides the pinch rollers
  4. Spring (Only on Overrunning Alternator Decoupler (OAD)

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