Main advantage of SEA OAP and OAD
- Smooth running and reduce wear of the entire drive system
- Reduce fuel consumption
- Durable yet maintenance free
- Manufactured to exactly fit its application
2 types of modern alternator pulleys by SEA
Almost all modern cars/trucks are equipped with either an Overrunning alternator pulley (OAP) or an Overrunning alternator decoupler (OAD) which both provides a damping function manifested from the crankshaft and also enable the engine revolution to reduce quickly when there is a sudden load change.
Overrunning Alternator Pulleys
With a one-way clutch (turning in only 1 direction) and locks up with any attempt to turn in another direction
Overrunning Alternator Decoupler
Operates like an OAP except it have a clutch and spring that also absorbs vibration from the drive belt system
Components of an Overrunning Alternator Pulley
Almost all modern cars/trucks are equipped with either an Overrunning alternator pulley (OAP) or an Overrunning alternator decoupler (OAD) which both provides a damping function manifested from the crankshaft and also enable the engine revolution to reduce quickly when there is a sudden load change.
Components of an Overrunning alternator Pulley (OAP):